Newport beach mobile nails services
Newport beach mobile nails services


Manicure 💅 : $17
Hands softening soak, trim- file- shape. Cuticle care.
4mins cream massage. Cuticle oil. Polish

Polish Gel manicure: $32

Polish or gel removal. Hands softening soak. Trim-file-shape. Cuticle care. Gel polish. Cuticle oil. 4 mins hand massage.

Gel removal manicure: $22

Special solution gel soak-off. Hand softening soak. Trim-file-shape. Cuticle care. Cuticle oil. 4 mins massage. Polish.

Princess manicure ( kid under 12 years old): $6

Trim-file-shape. Hand lotion.

Polish Express manicure: $8

Trim-file-shape. Cuticle oil. Polish.

Newport beach mobile nails services


1. Pedicure: $23

Feet softening soak. Trim-file-shape. Cuticle care. 4 mins foot massage. Cuticle oil. Polish.

2. Callus repair treatment: $28.

Feet softening soak. Trim-file-shape. Cuticle care. Callus repair treatment. Organic oil and cream, 4mins massage.Hot towels remover. Polish.

3. Refresh pedicure:$38

Upgrade pedicure. Callus repair treatment. Organic sea salt scrub( 3mins). Organic oil and cream,5mins massage. Polish.

Polish Gelicure pedicure: $38

Gel removal. Feet softening soak. Trim-file- shape. Cuticle care. Gel polish. Cuticle oil. 4 mins massage

Gel removal pedicure: $28

Special solution gel soak-off. Trim-file-shape. Cuticle care. Cuticle oil. 4 mins massage. Polish.

Princess pedicure ( kid under 12 years old) : $8

Trim-file-shape. Foot cream. Polish.

Express pedicure: $10

Trim-file-shape. Cuticle oil. Polish

Newport beach mobile nails services